Yesterday, I scrolled down through Facebook and I found this one picture that sums up every body's life: the never ending question asked by ignorant people including your whole family members (including your uncles, aunts, cousins, married cousins, and so on). The picture below is in Indonesian so I'll translate it to you.
1. Kapan kawin? = When will you get married?
2. Kapan punya anak? = Do you plan to have child soon?
3. Kasih ASI atau sufor/susu formula? = Which milk you give to your baby? Breast milk of formulated milk?
4. Kapan punya adek lagi? = Do you have a plan to get pregnant and having another child?
5. Ibu RT? Ga sayang sama gelar masternya? = A housewife? Don't you feel bad about your master degree?
6. Udah kerja sekarang? Ga kasian ninggalin anak-anak di rumah? = So you're working now? How about your kids at home?
7. Kapan mantu? = When will your children get married?
Admit it, these are the most hated questions, either you're single or not. |
2. Kapan punya anak? = Do you plan to have child soon?
3. Kasih ASI atau sufor/susu formula? = Which milk you give to your baby? Breast milk of formulated milk?
4. Kapan punya adek lagi? = Do you have a plan to get pregnant and having another child?
5. Ibu RT? Ga sayang sama gelar masternya? = A housewife? Don't you feel bad about your master degree?
6. Udah kerja sekarang? Ga kasian ninggalin anak-anak di rumah? = So you're working now? How about your kids at home?
7. Kapan mantu? = When will your children get married?
So, yeah, I can relate to those kind of questions. I'm not married, not yet, but as a youngster, I get a lot of people questioning do I already have a boyfriend or not. And those questions always been asked by my family. Yes, almost all family members I know since a I was a kid always asking me those questions.
Honestly, I feel so fucking sick about those questions. I am so naive if I say those questions are okay and not violate my privacy. Don't they know that it's actually violate my privacy? And, why the fuck do you want to know who's my love interest is. No, fellas, you will never know them and you will never really care about their background. Oh wait, you only care about his race and religion, are you? Then, don't you have something that is far more important than asking annoying questions like that?
If you let me be honest, I can brag about having a lovely boyfriend and talking shit about being in a relationship. But you better feel bad if it's a lie, a lie about having a lovely boyfriend and blahblahblah. Keep in mind that I don't care about your opinions and how you try to be a "part in my life by doing helpless things".
I may sound like a rude bitch here, but I want to make it clear that once you guys asking me about love-thingy, you'll get a very special treatment from me - the silent treatment. My cousin, she passed the phase, said that it really works. You don't want me to ignore you, don't you? If so, you know what to do. *insert smiley face here*
Ps: if you are a family member of mine and we don't meet so often, don't you ever dare to ask me questions like that and let me live my fucking life.
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